What is SBIR / STTR?
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are highly competitive programs that encourage small businesses, such as start-ups through mid cap sized entities, to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) with the potential for commercialization.
SBIR and STTR enable small businesses and start-ups to explore their technological potential and provide the incentive to profit from its commercialization through non-dilutive capital awards.
Based on your Company’s needs, we customize an action plan, identifying contract opportunities over the next 3-12 months, fitting within the phases described below. Then, STONEGARDENS will connect you with relevant Department of Defense partners and draft proposals to best assist your company in winning the best fitting federal contracts and funding.

- Award amount: $50,000 – $150,000
- Purpose: Customer discovery / proof of concept
- Duration: 3 months

- Award Amount: $750,000 – $1.25M
- Purpose: RDT&E prototype / pilot
- Duration: 12-15 months

- Award amount: Any
- Purpose: sole source contracting, COTS
- Duration: Any

- Award amount: $1.5 ~ $7M
- Purpose: Supplemental funding “bridge”
- Duration: 12 – 48 months
Our Clients
- Strategic Advisory: We take private sector deep tech companies and position their brand offerings to resonate with the DOD and intelligence communities.
- Proposal Writing: We draft proposals for DOD innovation solicitations so your technology gets into warfighters’ and end-users’ hands as fast as possible.
- Business Development: We identify, engage, and cultivate relationships within the DOD and intel community to create the best fit between the end-user and your tech.
- Business Advisory: We prepare your company for investment, restructuring and growth, including deal advisory, lab subsidiary creation and scaling of plans and personnel.
- Foreign Companies: Stonegardens can help you open a US office, form a JV, or explore other strategic avenues in order to create a US company comprising > 50% ownership of the company, in order to qualify for SBIR/STTR awards, via our in house legal and compliance staff.